Alerts from the University Libraries

LoboGit down for Maintenance May 15 and 16th, 2024

While the service may appear available, data loss will occur if you use LoboGit on May 15th, 2024.
If you have projects exceeding 2GB in size, we strongly recommend either reducing their size or migrating them to alternative platforms such as GitHub.
 After the upgrade, you may receive a warning that the host, LoboGit, is using a new SSH key. It is fine to accept this new key when you push your projects back to the server.

We are excited to announce that we will be conducting a comprehensive server upgrade accompanied by a transition in authentication methods. This upgrade is geared towards enhancing security, performance, overall user experience across our platforms, and aligning our services with Central IT’s evolving authentication services. While the service may appear available, data loss will occur if you use LoboGit on May 15th, 2024. We expect the transition completion by May 16th but the LoboGit service may experience intermittent short outages as we make post migration changes to the configuration. We will update this page once changes are complete.

After this transition, you may notice some changes, the most notable being the absence of the login screen if you are already authenticated to one of UNM’s other services. External two-factor authentication (Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, etc.) is skipped during Azure login. This streamlined process will reduce the number of times you have to authenticate to use the service.

Additionally, we want to bring your attention to the storage capacity of your projects. If you have projects exceeding 2GB in size, we strongly recommend either reducing their size or migrating them to alternative platforms such as GitHub. While we take every precaution to safeguard your data, there is higher a possibility of data loss during the restoration process if projects exceed the specified limit. As part of the server upgrade, you may receive a warning that the host, LoboGit, is using a new SSH key. It is fine to accept this new key when you push your projects back to the server. Should you encounter any issues after the upgrade, we encourage you to submit a ticket at Our dedicated support team will assist you in resolving any concerns or technical challenges you may face. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding throughout this upgrade process.

Thank you for your attention,

Library IT Team