Computers and Printing

PCs and Macs

Computer Availability

Find an available PC or Mac using our Computer Finder.

Search UNM TechFinder for locations of specific software across the UNM campus.


Each library has student PC Windows workstations loaded with MS Office, Matlab, ArtStor, Endnote, and other standard software.

Machines in Centennial Library are also loaded with ArcGIS, Adobe Creative Cloud, Nvivo Pro, SPSS Statistics, QGIS, a variety of game development software titles, and other specialized software.


3 Macs are available in the Fine Arts & Design Library. All Macs are loaded with Office and other standard software. One Mac in FADL is a computer music station and is equipped with Sibelius, Finale, Logic Pro, and Adobe Creative Cloud. FADL also has a full 49-key MIDI keyboard and sustaining pedal for use with the music software.

There are 3 Macs in Centennial Library loaded with Adobe Creative Cloud, SPSS Statistics, QGIS, a variety of game development software titles, and other specialized software. Two Macs have Camtasia and Snagit loaded on them and one Mac has Nvivo.

A current UNM NetID is required to log in to most library computers.

Laptops & Wireless


Laptops are available for checkout at each of the branch library service desks with a valid LoboID. Laptops can be checked out for 3 hours at a time and must remain in the building. See details.
A mouse, power cord and Ethernet cable can be checked out with each laptop.


All of the University Libraries have wireless access through Lobo Wifi.

Wireless Printing

Download drivers to print wirelessly from you laptop.

Print, Copy, Scan


Color and black & white printer/copiers are located in each library. Use your LoboCard, LoboCa$h card, Wepa print card, PayPal, or credit/debit card to pay for prints/copies.

Print/copy costs vary.

* Legal and Tabloid options only available on 4th floor of George Pearl Hall.

Download drivers to print wirelessly from your laptop.


There are scanners in each library:
  • Zimmerman: 6 overhead scanners
  • Centennial Science and Engineering: 1 overhead and 1 flatbed scanner
  • Map & Geographic Information Center (MAGIC): 1 12x17" flatbed and 1 36" wide roller feed
  • Fine Arts and Design: 2 flatbed scanners and 1 overhead scanner

Scanning is always free!

Large-format Scanner/Copier/Printer

The Map and Geographic Information Center in Centennial Library has a full-sized (36" wide) scanner/copier for oversize maps, architectural drawings and other documents.

It can scan in color or black and white. Scans can be saved electronically for free.

Please note that copyright restrictions apply to some maps. It is the patron's responsibility to be sure that copyright laws are not being violated. In case of doubt consult the map publisher or a copyright lawyer.

Microfilm Readers

Microfilm Readers

Microfilm and microfiche readers are available in Zimmerman Library, on the first floor near the service desk and in the basement. Microform images can be saved to a USB drive, emailed or printed using the microfilm readers.

Listen, View, & Transfer

Listen, View, & Transfer Stations

The Fine Arts and Design Library has Listen & View stations for library materials.
The equipment can play LPs & 45s, cassette tapes, VHS, DVDs and Blu Rays. The VCRs can record to VHS tapes.

Presentation Practice Rooms

Each library has group study rooms and collaborative spaces that are equipped with large flat screen monitors and can be used to practice presentations.

DVD Drives

All library PC workstations and MacBook Pro laptops have DVD drives. Headphones can be checked out from the service desk at each branch library. Disposable earbuds are available for free.